Wellness Plan Recommendations

Pet Care Service



Veterinary Acupuncture 動物針灸


中醫有分『五行』,理論上對所有生物皆有所影響。Dr. Grace說在診症時也會有所留意寵物是屬於金、木、水、火、土哪一種,因為同類的小動物會有相同性格,也會特別容易患上某種病。

Acupuncture has been used in China for thousands of years and has been formally recognised by the World Health Organisation as a treatment modality for specific conditions since the 1970’s.

The study and practice of acupuncture, both for humans and animals, has gained greater understanding and acceptance world-wide. The American Veterinary Medical Association, IVAS acupuncturist and has called acupuncture an integral part of veterinary medicine. Additionally, the World Health Organization , the National Institutes of Health and IVAS acupuncturist have officially recognized acupuncture as an effective treatment for several diseases.

It is a traditional Chinese medical practice and a drugless method of health care that treats a broad range of illness and pain. When an animal is healthy, there is a circulation of vital energy, "qi", that travels throughout the body along channels known as meridians. Acupuncture points are specific zones along these meridians, and the centre of each zone is considered to be the area of greatest activity of the "chi" or life force energy. Illness is described as a blockage or an imbalance of a meridian disrupting the overall health and disturbing normal functions. The illness is treated by stimulating the acupuncture points with the use of thin needles. This manipulates the channels of energy back into balance and begins the process of the body resuming normal health.

1974年美國成立了【國際獸醫針灸協會】Internatonal Veterinary Acuouncture Society (IVAS),把獸醫針灸推向國際,並且將中國獸醫針灸與人醫的針灸合併,鼓勵把補充性治療(指西醫之外的療法)應用在動物身上。目前世界衛生組織(WHO),已允許認可針灸療法,應用於治療40多種疾病,並且具有一定療效! 對於動物針灸,IVAS有嚴格的監管及醫療指引,本著對動物健康的關注及及不斷持續進修的精神,Dr.Grace及Dr.Angela從沒間斷在IVAS內考取不同科目的獸醫針灸師專業認可資格。Dr.Grace更是全港首個於IVAS註冊,並獲專業認可的執業獸醫針灸師。

eg: 暹羅?(Siamese Cat)、?德羅犬(Whippet)、格力犬(Greyhound)

eg: 邊界牧羊(Border collie)

eg: 狼犬(German shepherd)、查理士王小獵犬(Cavalier King Charters Spaniel)

eg: 玩具貴婦(Toy poodle)、曲駕(Cooker Spaniel)、老虎狗(Bulldog)

eg: 洛威拿犬 (Rottweiller ),拉布拉多(Labradors Retriever)

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