Herbal medicine 草藥治療
The use of specific herbs and plants for medicinal purposes has been practiced for millions of years. Herbal medicine includes North American herbs, Aryuvedic herbs from India, traditional Chinese herbs, and other botanicals from all over the world. Herbs have healing powers that are capable of balancing the emotional, mental and physical dimensions of animals. The herbal prescriptions we use have passed international standards such as GMP, ISO, as well as local Department of Health requirements.
草藥治療在北美、印度及中國已擁有過千年歷史,經醫生診斷後,只要用藥正確,能有效舒緩寵物痛症。本天后寵物醫院所使用之天然草藥,均通過本港衛生處之要求,並達國際GMP及ISO水平。 |